Dear Clyde,
You will be hitting the 33 week mark this Friday. When I went for gynae visit today, the question on both mine and doctor's mind is whether you are still breech. The moment the ultrasound scanner touched my tummy, doctor declared that you have turned. What wonderful news! That's one obstacle down for mama's road towards vbac, and I hope you will be with me all the way.
We checked out your heartbeat and size (2042g already), and everything is good. The dreaded amniotic fluid level that caused me to induce your sister's birth is also looking good. Umbilical cord is functioning well too. Doctor moved on to your face and guess what, you are sucking your thumb again! I texted your papa about the thumb sucking after coming out from doctor's room, and his response is "Hai another one". A callus has formed on your sister's thumb due to her thumb sucking. We have tried to wean her off her thumb, but no luck. I read somewhere that some babies might be born with a callus on their thumbs because they suck on it while in their mama's tummy. I can't wait to see if that will be the case for you, lol.
With news that you are no longer in breech position, I can tell the doctor more confidently that I want to attempt vbac. Doctor did a vaginal swab for me saying that it is necessary to test for GBS (Group B Streptococci). According to Baby Center website, "GBS is usually harmless in adults, but if you have it and pass it on to your baby during birth, it can cause serious complications, such as pneumonia, meningitis, or a blood infection." I'm not taking any chances.
I've also had the clinic assistant do pre-admission for me. Like your sister, we will be going to Mount Alvernia Hospital, single bedder. Papa's ex company was able to let him claim $2500 for your sister's birth, but this time round everything will be paid out of pocket (and Medisave). This is going to cost a bomb, but we think it will be worth it. Papa will be able to stay over and you can also room in with us. We are still deliberating whether your sister should stay over too, but I think I should spend the precious first days bonding with you. On a side note, conversations with your sister about your impending arrival have been amusing. She proudly declares herself a big girl, big enough to carry didi. She even tells me the proper way to carry a baby, propped on the shoulder or cradled in the arms. She tells me she wants to feed you milk, and even bathe you. She says you won't be able to put on your shoes, but since she can put on her own shoes, she will be able to help you with it. I'm sure she will be a great sister.
I have started washing some of your clothes, especially the ones that I intend to let you wear back from hospital. Papa was complaining why your sister's laundry built up so quickly when we just did a batch 2 days ago. Heehee, he didn't know I've included some of your clothes. I have also started to pack my hospital bag. It is a good thing we are just 10 min drive from Mount Alvernia Hospital. Papa can go home anytime to pick up things that we missed out, but that's provided he knows where those stuff are kept, haha.
There will be a major baby fair this weekend at the Expo. We've gotten most of what you need, but I'm going to source out a breast pump at the fair. Thanks to my General Manager who gave me $350 Motherworks voucher, we will get your Maxi Cosi infant car seat sometime in early/mid May.
Last thoughts: Breastfeeding is going to be a major challenge for me, judging from my past experience with your sister. Let's learn and enjoy the process together. I think vbac will help to bring in the milk slightly earlier. I'm hoping we will work out the vbac and breastfeeding thing together. It's not going to be easy for both, but 母子连心,其利断金 right?