A blazing thunderstorm swept through Bintan Island at the wee hours. At 3.30am, I woke up and found that I couldn't get back to sleep. Also, my stomach was churning presumably from the sumptuous dinner I had. Hubby and P seemed to have slept well though :) I slept at around 5.30am and woke up just before my alarm rang at 7am. The thunderstorm has reduced to a drizzle, but it's still rain that will mar our plans for the morning.
A fish pond that makes P go "fish!" each time we pass by |
We went for breakfast and I didn't dare to indulge myself as my stomach was still a bit upset. Got some congee and pancakes for P. The congee was quite good and she had more of it than anything else. P started saying 游, but it was still drizzling when we finished breakfast.
Definitely an omelette for me! |
Looking longingly at the pool |
We decided to visit the Petit Club once again to see if we can find anything for P to do. They had a 'classroom' for all the Petit Club children to gather in. It looks like an indoor playground with various toys and reading materials. I asked if P could enter and play with the toys although she is not 2 yet, and the GO said yes, phew!! We spent the next 45 min or so in the playroom. From the program schedule, the kids are supposed to have some trampoline activity outdoors, but I guess the rain really spoiled it for them. The kids stayed in the playroom, all the way till we left.
The 'horse' was blur because hubby push it while I was taking the shot |
Kiddy chairs where children do their coloring |
I like the clouds decor on the ceiling! |
P's fav spot in the room |
Playing seesaw with Ziyan (3.5 years old from Taiwan) |
She saw children doing coloring and she joined in |
GOs put Pororo on TV, and hubby got P to watch with him (hubby likes Pororo, haha) |
Seeing that the rain has more or less subsided, we went back to our rooms and wanted to head to the pool. However, a quick look at the time tells us that lunchtime is in an hour. It won't make much sense to swim for only 30 min, then go back to our rooms to prepare for lunch. Besides, we were looking at going to the beach too. In the end, we decided to head to the bar just next to the pool, have some drinks and check out what's happening there. There was an aqua aerobics session in the pool, with music and dance moves. P very much wished she was in the water, but still she clapped and danced with gusto together with the GOs beside the pool.

At the stroke of 12, we went up for lunch. I got some penne pasta and rice drizzled with soup for P, and was pleasantly surprised she liked the penne pasta, finishing the whole lot that I took for her. A GO called Robert (from Sydney Australia) joined us at our table and we learnt that he has only been here for a week. He started working with Club Med some 2 years back, and has worked in China and a couple more places so far). We had a pleasant lunch and conversation with him (but I forgot to take a pic!).
P started looking longingly at the pool, so we knew its time to head back and prepare for her 游. Boy, was she excited when I brought out her thermal wear. We swam at the pool and managed to catch the golf chipping event at the poolside. The idea is to hit a tennis ball (using the golf way) to a flag guy who is standing on a surf board in the middle of the pool. If he catches it, you gain 1 point. P was more interested in retrieving the tennis balls which had fallen into the pool though, haha.
We decided to head out to the in the midst of the golf chipping action. I'm quite curious to see P's reaction when she comes into contact with sand. She's really particular about cleanliness and doesn't like foreign objects on any parts of her body. I put her down on the sand and she was fascinated, brushing her soles back and forth the sand like a bull preparing I charge, haha. We walked to the edge of the water, and found that we could venture out pretty far (at least 20m) before the water becomes deeper. P also took in her first taste of seawater when a big wave crash over us. We retreated to the shoreline and played with the sand toys ($2 from Daiso). P was quite upset about getting sand on her knees when we sat down. She pointed to it and asked me to brush it off for her. I was like, oh no, she doesn't want to play? Luckily, she accepted it after I showed her my legs were also covered with the same offending object.
Her 1st contact with sand |
The 2 dots loves of my life |
Before I knew it, P had become a land reclaimer in Club Med. She would dig a spade of sand from the dry land, walked to the water and dumped in the pile of sand. She did it at least 20 times. Other times, she will scoop some water, head back to the dry land and pour the water into some dug holes. Hubby and I were delighted, she could keep herself occupied while we lie in the waves.
The action for the afternoon must have been too much to bear. P conked out after her bath and milk. It's going to be one long nap.
very nice.. man with blue tshirt...his name is septian.. mini club GO. he write this comment...