Today is a nerve wrecking day for many parents out there. It is a new beginning for those entering preschool as well as primary school for the first time.
P started the day by sleeping past her usual timing. We'd expected her to wake at around 7 because she didn't wake up for her midnight milk, but she slept till 8 plus. As for me, I woke at 6 plus thinking how she was going to fare for the day. Tried getting back to sleep after that, but it didn't work. Parenting woes.
We changed her into her school uniform at about 10am, and she looks super ready for school.
Smiley pic |
Bag and bottle ready |
Since her primary caregiver will be my mil's maid, we've asked the school bus to pick her up from my mil's block. We walked over to mil's place to meet her maid and school bus was scheduled to come at 10.50am. We had some time, so more pics were taken.
Family pic to mark this milestone |
The whole entourage (me, hubby, sil and mil's maid) escorted her down at 10.50am to wait for the school bus.
Where is the school bus? |
As expected, bus didn't arrive on the dot. We waited for close to 20 mins before it finally showed up. In fact, I was deliberating whether to just ignore the school bus and just have hubby fetch us there. Haha, paranoid mom syndrome. Lucky the bus came and I accompanied her onto the bus.
On the school bus with mama |
P turned out to be the 2nd last kid to board the bus, so we actually reached school quite early at around 11.15am. She had the chance to interact with the teachers and help herself to the toys in her classroom.
Puzzle in progress with teachers |
She was doing quite well on her own so I stepped out to give her teachers some time to know her better. After some 15 min of play, she suddenly became quite insecure and started looking around for me. I reassured her and she continued with her puzzle. Soon it was time for assembly and I watched the teachers lead her out. She sat near the front and looked quite calm, but from the way her lips were moving, it sounded like she's asking her teacher "妈妈在哪里?" They sang their usual songs but she got more and more upset towards the end of assembly. Soon, she was just crying so badly that her teacher had to pass her to me.
P is sitting right in front of her teacher |
After assembly, they went back to their class for English lessons. Teacher Lyn lead them through some songs and I stayed close enough to P in order to encourage her to participate in the activities.
Let's hold hand and go in circles |
Pass the ball game |
The class was led off to wash hands at about 12.15pm and hubby also arrived around that time to bring me lunch (bread and water chestnut drink). Lunch was served after the kiddos washed their hands. It looked like porridge from outside, but the menu says it's "Fishball soup with vegetables and noodles". P was sitting back facing us, but she turned around and saw us outside the class. We could tell she wanted to come out and look for us, but at that moment, her teacher placed her food in front of her and we were forgotten.
Concentrating on her meal (middle table backfacing us) |
After eating, the kids were supposed to put their bowl into a pail near the entrance of the class. I saw the teacher giving her instructions to do so, but guess what she did? P conveniently took her bowl, turned around and place her bowl at the table behind. She then turned back as if she had cleared her bowl according to instructions. I LOL-ed at that.
Parents were asked to leave the kiddos and wait in the main hall for dismissal. I could see P's class being lead up the stairs to presumably the outdoor playground. She told me later that teachers brought her to "play sand".
When the dismissal bell sounded, classes are lead out 1 by 1. At the main hall, there are various alphabet cards indicating the school bus "numbers". P is to be on Bus D, which we had come on in the morning. Once the kiddos reach the assembly hall, teachers will base it on their badge transport instructions and direct them to the correct bus aunty. Although it was kinda chaotic today, but I think it will be quite organised in the absence of parents. P's class was the 4th class being led out and from afar, I could tell she was crying. As soon as she spotted me, she tried to race past her teachers to reach me, but was held back. More hugs and kisses required to calm her.
How to dash past teachers to get to mama? |
Bus D was 3rd in line and we were soon on our way. For return trip, P was the first to alight, but the drop off spot was quite a distance from my mil's block. Bus Aunty explained that they have 2 other students come next Tuesday who stays near 310, so the drop off location is organised as such. The school bus service don't come cheap either, $110 per month. I hadn't expected to be walking some distance to go back home. Too bad there isn't an alternative for us, just have to make do.
As for the little one in my tum tum, he decided to make me throw up thrice today - once after I woke up, once after breakfast and once after lunch. With all the food emptied from my stomach, my first meal of the day turned out to be dinner, which thankfully is still intact as I type this post. It's week 18 already, and the puking is becoming erratic, not on a daily basis but sometimes can work out to a few times a day.
I also feel like I'm coming down with a cough and flu. Need to hold out for the 2nd day of school tomorrow. I hope P adapts soon, jiayou jiayou jiayou!!
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