P celebrated CNY in school on 30 Jan. Instead of her usual school hours, her school hours were tweaked such that the afternoon session dismisses at 12.45pm. The school sent a letter encouraging the kids to come dressed in CNY clothes and to bring along some snacks to share with their classmates. I took leave for the day, and was able to send the little one off on the school bus.
MY CNY dolly |
Hubby and I did one final round of spring cleaning and went out for lunch. We reached mil's place to pick P up, only to see that she is busy emptying her school bag and exploring the goodies. She told me her principal gave her a 红包, which actually turned out to be Hello Panda biscuits in a small plastic bag, haha. She also received some small toys and sweets from school. I checked through her bag and found this! Her artwork is now hanging proudly behind our door.
P's artwork - She told me she painted the red portion |
P must have had too much fun in school. We tried to get her to nap so that she wouldn't be cranky when we go to my grandparents' place for reunion dinner later, but she decided that naps are not for CNY eve. Luckily, she held herself well during the reunion dinner and was especially happy to see my parents and sister there. She finally fell asleep at 10pm, with her 压岁钱 under her pillow.
初一 for us is usually a hectic event and the day starts early. For this horse year, events ran in this order
1. Leave at 8.30am to go church
2. Go to hubby's mom's side
3. Go to hubby's dad's side
4. Send in laws home
5. Go to my dad's side
6. Go to my mom's side
We were out the whole day and I had to pack extra diapers and clothes for P. P took her nap in the car between events 4 & 5, and we stayed in the car for an additional 20 min so that she can get sufficient rest. In any case, my bones are usually achingly tired when we got to the end of the day. It made me miss those days before I met hubby. In those days, I only had to go to my dad's side and mom's side and finish off for the day. I really don't dare to imagine getting 2 bubs ready by 8.30am next year, omg.
OOTD for CNY Day 1 |
Day 2 would usually be hubby's day's side, an uncle who stays in a landed house and have guests over every 初二. This is where lunch always include popiah, and some dim sum items ordered via delivery. After my brother in law has his fill, he will start the blackjack gambling den and is aka the banker. I recalled that P was quite disruptive during the gambling session last year. This year though, that family had a new baby girl and they had toys in the house for P to play. She kept herself entertained and didn't require much supervision.
After the gambling session, we'd head to hubby's nanny's house near Farrer Park. This nanny had taken care of hubby when he was about 5 years old, and is like a second granny to hubby. She is getting on in years but never fail to reminisce on hubby's childhood days each time we go. Hubby and her grandson (3 years younger than hubby) were playmates, and he's now in Boston studying his PhD. In fact, hubby is thinking of going to US in the next few years since his childhood playmate is living there and will be able to show us around.
OOTD for CNY Day 2 |
初三 was a bad day for P. She developed cough and fever the day before and woke up on Day 3 coughing till she threw up on our bed. None of the laundry shops were opened, so we had to bring the soiled laundry to a 24hour DIY laundromat to get them cleaned. You would load the laundry into their washing machine, put in the required amount of money and start it. The laundry will then run and you can come back later to collect it. They also have dryers working on the same concept. I've only seen such shops in US previously, but they are gradually popping up in Singapore now. The only con is that hubby needs to drive back and forth to stagger the washing machine and the dryer. Apart from that, it's a lot cheaper than going to laundry stores.
We visited my colleague's house in the late afternoon and he has an amazing wife who is such a great cook. He stays also in a private property, and P entertained herself by going up and down the steps, haha. The last stop of the day is hubby's boss' house. He has recently started work in a new company and was pleasantly surprised to be invited to the gathering. It was a nice condo near Thomson, home to his bosses (husband and wife duo) and their 4 kids. Their youngest girl is 5 years old and P and her took to each other immediately. After hubby and I were greeted his boss and exchanged oranges, P had disappeared. We found her in her new playmates room with several trunks of toys. No presents for guessing what she did for the rest of the night.
We had lunch on 初四 at my grandparents' place. P coaxed my grandparents into playing with her outside the house while me and hubby ate. Every once in a while, peals and shrieks of laughter will come from P. It was really very heartening to see them having fun. My grandparents are also getting on in age, and I really need to remind myself to spend more time with them. P is their eldest great grandchild and I hope she will have some fond memories of them when she grows up.
P and her great grandparents |
That's so much for CNY. I'm back to work today and P is back to school. Hubby is still on leave today and volunteered to fetch P to school. He told me that she kept saying goodbye to him when she reached the assembly area, as if very embarrassed that her dad has followed her to school. She is apparently adapting well and knows the school routines by now. Way to go, my little one!
Waiting for assembly to start. |
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