P woke up burning hot this morning, much to my dismay. She must have caught the virus from C, and that didn't bode well coz my mom who has been taking care of C while he was sick went down like a bowling pin. It was a strong virus, gosh. I started loading up on Vit C last week, hoping some of it will go into my bm and aid C's recovery, but I neglected P's immunity. I should have boosted her immunity at the same time. Now that both kids are down, I feel so much heartache when I see them struggling to breathe through their blocked nose and coughing their hearts out. P took one step more than C to come down with fever. Holding her burning hot body in my arms really saddens me.
To make matters worse, today is the day of her school's mini concert. I bet they had done numerous times of practice and she has been so excited, kept telling me and hubby that we have to come and watch her perform on stage. She woke up feeling so miserable that she refused to go to school. We planned to get her to a doctor first and see if she feels good enough to go to school after that. In the car and at the clinic, she became very hyper, playing and laughing with me. We finished off at the doctor at 12.15pm and decided to rush down for her concert at 12.30pm.
Honestly, I had no idea what kind of performance she was going to put up. When I asked her, she did a rendition that resembled a ballerina twirling, followed by 拔萝卜 (plucking radish) and ended with a curtsy. It took just 10s and that was the kind of performance I was expecting. I mean, what do they expect a group of 3yo to pull off?
We arrived just in time to see the pre-nursery children enter the hall. They all had some form of costume on her. 叶老师 saw her and quickly put on her costume for her. Her class Daisy 2 would be the second to perform.
Guess what? My girl did such a great job in spite of her high fever. Here's the videos of her performances (she's 8th from left). It turned out her class was performing "Wheels on the Bus" and "泥娃娃".
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