Friday, November 28, 2014

Drop a pump

C is 5m19d today. In another 11 days or so, he will hit 6m and that marks the end of my bfing journey. I was pumping 5x/day on the following schedule
1. 2.20am
2. 6.20am
3. 11am
4. 4pm
5. 9pm

Decided to drop a pump today and the new pumping schedule will be 
1. 10am
2. 4pm
3. 10pm
4. 4am

The decision to stop was also propeled by my Taiwan trip which will take place 3 days after C turns 6m. P, my mom and I will be following a tour group, and I don't foresee being able to pump regularly. I expect myself to dry up during the trip. In fact, I'm deliberating over whether to even bring my pump for the trip. 

Really hope to resume my lunch time gym session soon! People lose weight when bfing, but I kept gaining weight. No more excuse to eat and eat after I stop bfing. Time to lose all that weight!

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