Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Preparation

It's April. In another month or so, we will be trying to conceive #2. Hubby is really really hoping for a boy this time round, and I found myself going online and searching "How to conceive a boy?". Haha, it's easy to say "boy or girl, they're the same", but most of us have some preference for the gender of our baby. I was keen on a girl and got my wish, maybe it's time to try and see if we can fulfil hubby's wish. Each time we enter ELC, I will lead P to the kitchen sets or dolls section. From the corner of my eye, I could see hubby checking out all the cars and garages and some monsterly looking figurines, and his mind must be filled with images of playing all those toys with his son. I ever tried asking him to get the garages and play with P, but we both know it's not the same. There's just this thing about boys/men and their cars that we girls/women don't get it.

Anyway, preparation for #2 has started in February with a daily intake of folic acid. The conceive-a-boy information I got from the web seems to emphasize on the diet, in particular the acidity and alkalinity of the body due to the things you eat. Apparently, the male (Y) sperm do better in an alkaline environment. I looked at the listing of 'acid' foods (meat, dairy products, sugar and other sweets, wheat and white flour baked goods, pasta, coffee and tea, etc.) and realize that I've been eating these all my life, and almost on a daily basis. Hehe, it's no wonder P is a girl. Now, my aim is to reduce (I can't eliminate them!) these acidic food and put in some alkaline food (salty foods, red meats, eggs, peas, raisins, zucchini, mushrooms, beans, sweet corn, bread, and fish) into my diet. Websites also recommend drinking water with lemon juice (isn't lemon acidic?!), wheat grass powder drink, raspberry leaf tea, avocado, raw unsalted almonds, and have plenty of exercise.

On a spur of the moment, I went onto iherb and bought 5 boxes of raspberry leaf tea, a bottle of wheat grass powder and a big pack of raw almonds. I searched my cupboards and found a bottle of raspberry leaf supplements that my ex-colleague had gotten for me during my last 2 weeks of pregnancy, checked that it's not expired, and brought it to office. Now, my usual morning cup of green tea has been replaced by raspberry leaf tea, followed by folic acid and raspberry leaf supplements. In the afternoon, I drink a cup of wheatgrass powder drink.

Am I overdoing it? We are not ruling out #3, but have agreed that #3 will have quite a huge age gap from the first 2. If #3 doesn't happen, this could well be our last chance to get a boy. If #2 turns out to be another girl (I will be happy and Carters/Osh Kosh will love me), at least we tried :)

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