Friday, May 24, 2013

Vesak Day

It's Vesak Day today, and the day started with a heavy downpour early in the morning. Hubby made plans with SIL to go out for a quick drive (she got her driving license recently and is really enthu about driving), and brought P along. With some time to spare, I on the Kinect and had a great workout. Hubby came home alone 45 min later and told me P wanted to follow SIL home, so we'll go over for lunch and pick her up later.

We made our way to Amara shopping mall (think it's called 100AM after the revamp), and boy, has it changed a lot since the days I was working at Tanjong Pagar area! We ate dessert at Honeymoon Dessert, and it was a strange experience. Have you ever had a restaurant staff staring at you all the way while you ate? Yes, that's what happened. The moment I put down my spoon, he came to clear the dessert bowl. You'd have thought there's a long q outside to explain his behaviour. You know what? We were the only customers in the store. 

I have an ex-colleague staying at the Pinnacle@Duxton, so we dropped by their place after dessert. They own 2 rabbits, and P had fun chasing one of them around the house, and shoving hay in its face. The poor rabbit must be terrified of P. It was also quite amazing how quickly P warmed up to my ex colleague and her husband, and their house as well. Pretty soon, she was making herself at home by going into their bedroom and helping herself to their soft toys. She even rolled on their bed, much to the delight of my colleague, who is currently trying to conceive. Hope they get their baby wish soon!

Needless to say, P's nap was long overdue. We left at about 2.30pm and made our way back to 100AM for our car. Shortly after we enter the mall, P fell asleep. We took the chance to get some Gong Cha before going off. The rest of the afternoon was spent on naps. 

We have plans to hit the Safra Toa Payoh pool tomorrow morning. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. P was really excited when she saw me inflating the float, chanting 游泳,游泳 all the way. 

Happy Vesak Day to all!

Playing with toys from her younger days
Care bears sit sit

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