Tuesday, August 27, 2013

E-chew-yee ya

After 17 days delay, Aunt Flo decided to come yesterday evening. I ran out of the bathroom, hugged hubby and gave him the news. It would have been better had it been pregnancy news, but I'm happy because we can start trying again soon! Past 2 weeks have been a rollercoaster ride of emotions, 4 negative HPT, no sign of AF and THE hormonal imbalance diagnosis. 

The downside though, is that AF came with a vengeance this time. It was as if it was bottling up for a finale, and the cramps and backaches were the most intense I felt since giving birth. The bloated-ness did not aid in my discomfort. 

P has been full of energy lately. I just couldn't keep up with her. She laid in bed  yesterday belting out her fav songs, and I was struggling to stay awake. Finally got hubby to take over and he told me this morning that she continued singing until he fell asleep. When he awoke with a start, P had fallen asleep. Now, who was supposed to put who to sleep? 

Over the past few days, P would shout at the top of her voice "E-chew-yee, e-chew-yee, e-chew-yee, ya ya ya!!!!" We had no idea what she was trying to tell us, but her excitement was so hilarious. Hubby finally figured it out yesterday, and its the song that goes "yippee ya ya, yippee yippee ya!" 

How did it get so distorted by P? 

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