Monday, November 5, 2012

Happy Sunday

P is super happy today. I'm not sure why, but I'm very sure she's jubilant today. She was happy to roam around the house, laughing out loud at everything she sees: Mommy, daddy, toys, switches. Every once in a while, she will let out shrieks of joy, and that really makes our day.

Brought P to MBFC for dinner. MBFC has became our weekend haunt. The lack of crowd and abundant space is really conducive for a hyperactive toddler to run around.

P meets toddler X who is 1 day older than her. Both of them started to walk together in tandem and it was funny to watch the unsteady steps, and the occasional fall. They chased each other until toddler X had to go. How fun!

We had an early dinner at Soup Spoon, but it was too early when we got there, so we just sat in the restaurant to wait out dinner time. P managed to engage the staff, waving hi and blowing lots of kisses. She blew so much that the staff fell in love with her, and offered her a bread. However, P did not get a firm grip of it, and the bread tumbled to the floor almost immediately (what a waste!). I dumped it up before she decided to taste it and she's cool about it. While we have dinner, P was free to roam around as long as she is in sight. She must have burnt lots of energy, for she conked out in the car on the way home, haha! That's why I love MBFC on a weekend ;)

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