Thursday, March 13, 2014

P's schoolwork

This week marks the final week of Term 1 for P, and she will get to enjoy her first school holiday of her life. I looked back on her first few days at school and marvel at how far she has come, from a hysterical please-don't-abandon-me girl to today's "Yes, I want to go to school!!" It was a roller coaster ride of emotions for us parents too, and parenthood really opens up my eyes. 

Look what P brought back from school yesterday! 
She looked really proud of her artwork, and happily announced that the picture smacked in the middle is a dinosaur! And dinosaur it shall be :) 

As mentioned previously, I didn't have much insight to what she does in school. When prompted with "did you do ___ in school today?", her answers were always "Yes". Looking at all the artwork she brought home really makes a difference. I told hubby I can finally justify her school fees, lol!

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