Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Books for the Little One I

I've been intending to do a series of posts on the books that P has been exposed to so far.

Part I shall be on religion, and I should probably give some background on our family
  • Hubby's family is Catholic, my family is Buddhist.
  • I did not convert before/after marriage (much to the amazement of my friends who thought it was a MUST to convert before we could get married).
  • I've been going to church with hubby before marriage, and still do after marriage. I'm just not 'eligible' for Holy Communion.
  • P became a baptised Catholic on 2 Oct 2011. It was a joint decision, and we even attended a infant baptism class together, before P got baptised.
I always have this feeling that P is slightly shortchanged on her religion because of me. I do not have the in depth knowledge of her religion, and have since sought to inculcate her with some ideas from books.

Baby's First Bible Stories

Ever since I click 'Buy' on bookdepository.com, I've been waiting excitedly for its arrival. When it finally did, the first thing I hoped to do was to have hubby scan the contents and make sure it's right. However, he wassn't keen to do that and I just have to make do.

This is a series of 12 stories from the bible. The first story is about the creation of the world, and it happens to be P's favorite story among the 12. Pictures of animals on a globe thrilled her, and she is now able to point out most of the animals when prompted. Giraffes, elephants, lions, penguins, rabbit, dog, tortoise, she knows them all. The book is brightly colored and P really likes to sit on my lap and have me flip through the pages. She doesn't have the patience to listen to me read some of the pages though. So for now, the book is only as good as it's first story, and all the colorful pages.
P's fav page
Getting Ready for Christmas

I saw this on sale some 3 weeks before Christmas last year, and decided to buy it online. Alas, the delivery took too long and the book only arrived about 3 days after Christmas. The strange thing about P is that she will only allow us to read the last 2 pages to her. We've tried reading the first few pages, but she would snatch the book, flip it to the 2nd last page and hand it back to us. Yeah, it looks like she only wants to know the ending, haha. We've also managed to teach her some animal sounds. When I point to the cow in this book and ask her what sound it makes, she will go "moooooooooooo", cute factor x 100. Do also check out the video below of hubby reading this book to P.
2nd last page

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