Thursday, February 21, 2013

Someone turns 18 months!

21 Feb 2013 - P turns 18 months. We had a mini celebration at home, with 2 mini slices of Thomas & Friends (well, Edward and Toby to be exact). We had done this on the same day last year. Look how she has 'evolved', from a blur blur infant to a cheeky toddler.

At 18 months, she can do the following
- Say mama, dada, ma (for grandma, ah Ma and godma)
- Understand most of what we are saying, although it's obvious she pretends otherwise sometimes
- Eat most adult food. In fact, she usually insists to eat what we are having, ignoring the baby food I had painstakingly prepared
- I had previously blogged about her struggles with the shape sorter, but I realised today that she has improved leaps and bounds, unknowingly and surprisingly.
- She loves to be read to. I've stocked up slightly more than 10 books, mostly deemed appropriate for her age (The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Dear Zoo, Where's Baby's Belly Button). Every night after bath and before she sleeps, she will place book after book in my hands and seat herself comfortably on my lap to wait for the stories to start. Hubby tried reading to her too, but she doesn't give him much face, haha.
- Toys: Really interested in her kitchen toys nowadays, and spends time cutting fish/grapes/ radish and putting them together. Sometimes, she will put lots of ingredients in the Shabu Shabu pot and start to stir vigorously, finally ending off by scooping the contents, place it to her mouth and go "Mmmmmmuuum!"
- Kissing: She kisses inanimate objects with gusto, but seems turned off when it comes to human beings. Once in a blue moon, we'll get a politically correct kiss on the cheek. Other times, she will just put her cheek to yours and go "Mmmm-muack!"
- Bathtime: She used to be really really pissed when water sprays on her face, but I've been trying to introduce her to sprays by turning on the shower at a low level. She likes it, only if the water cascading down onto her face is within her comfort level. If not, the crying begins and I have to wipe the droplets off her face with the bathing towel.
- Snacks: Yogis and more recently, raisins are her favourite. She knows the raisins are kept in the fridge. Everyday when we reach home, the first thing she will do is to rush to the kitchen and grab the fridge handle. Luckily, she hasn't learnt how to open the fridge yet. She would flash her award winning smile, and we found ourselves helpless but to open the fridge for her and let her take her prize.

I'll be on leave tomorrow to head to the Babycare Festival at Expo. Expecting a maniac crowd due to the Natas Fair, but hopefully I can get what I need.

Happy 18 months, my darling!

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