Sunday, December 9, 2012

Cooking for her furry friends

Need I say more? P is having lots of fun with her Mother Garden Bento set. We often see her placing ingredients into the bowl, giving several hard stirs and sending ingredients flying across the room. She also found it very entertaining to 'feed' me and hubby, not only her play food, but it also extends to her puffs or yogi snacks.

Her appetite seems to be growing too. Take tonight for example. She was kind of grumpy and kept going to the kitchen at about 5.30pm, so I decided to warm a pouch of Super Salmon for her to eat. Hubby went out to get McDonald's while I fed her. Gave her a pack of organic juice after her meal, and she got distracted by hubby coming home, so she finished about half. While we ate our dinner, she insisted on having fries. Hubby gave her one after another that I believe she ate at least one-third of a packet. She must have been thirsty, so she finished up the rest of her juice. About an hour later, she started going to the kitchen again, and kept pointing to her fm tin. After several piteous cries, hubby made her a bottle of milk. We thought that was the end of it, but when I opened the fridge to get a drink, she went straight for her puffs, insisting that I pour some out for her. It took 2 servings before she finally stopped eating. Oh yeah, all that food has to go somewhere, and she soon let us know where, and a massive one at that.

I dunno how she can eat and eat non stop man. The bad thing about it is I caught her trying to consume her MG play food. Even after numerous reprimands, she still do it once I take my eyes off her. It sure looks good enough to eat eh?

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