Friday, July 27, 2012

1 big bump

P fell backwards and hit her head on the edge of our side table. I was just next to her, but couldn't react in time to break her fall. Now, she has this red patch on her head and evidence of an erupting bump. Guilty to the max.

Come to think of it, she has quite a fair share of injuries so far - some when we were watching her, and others when we weren't watching her. It brings back memories of a conversation I had with hubby's cousin during a recent family gathering.

She has a son who's about 3 weeks younger than P. At the family gathering, P is the one who keeps roaming around, while her son can sit quietly in her lap. She stared at P and asked me why we aren't following behind her, what if she falls? My reply to her is: Ya, we let her fall.

Cousin gave me a strange look, as if I'm the worse mommy on earth. She told me she doesn't allow her son to roam like P did. Even if he's just standing, there will always be someone behind him to 'spot' him. The whole thing just seems too 'overprotective' to me.

Whenever P has a fall and hurt herself, I always think back on this conversation and wondered whether I should have done what cousin did. It's heartbreaking to see your child's years, and hear her piteous cries/screams. On the other hand, I want her to learn from these falls the dangerous spots so she will avoid in the future. I wonder if it's too early to get anything into her brain though... Dilemma...

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