Saturday, July 21, 2012

Her first steps

At 11 months today, P took her first unassisted step. Our bed is right next to the bedroom window, and she usually stands there in the morning, holding on to the railings and looking out to see what's happening at the rooftop garden. Both of us (still lazing in bed) started asking her to clap. The lil' one let go of the railings and started clapping, after which she took 2 steps forward an plomped into daddy's arms. We cheered like there's no tomorrow.

Unfortunately, her walking episode took a downturn later, thanks to the lousy mama. P had her milk, and lay on the bed sucking her thumb (her way of self soothe to sleep). I just sat next to her and twiddled with my phone. She then used my shoulders as a support, and stood up. I felt her let go of me, but didn't think too much an continued playing with my phone.

Before I continue, I should explain why I did not think too much. We have always been careful about P crawling to the edge of the bed. However, some 1 month back or so, she suddenly surprised us by getting off the bed (or any surfaces) by herself. She would crawl to the edge of the bed (or surface), turn 180 degrees, and start pushing herself backwards such that her legs would touch the ground first. Since that successful attempt, she has been getting off beds/sofas all by herself.

Back to my story. I thought she would just plonk down on the bed and start to make her way down like she used to do. When I finally realise she was kinda quiet, I turn around and saw her taking 2 steps forward, upon which she lost her centre of gravity and suddenly take running steps forward. Before I could react, she went flying off the bed and hit the ground, narrowly missing our tv console. Needless to say, she cried and screamed :(

I seriously hope this incident did not damper her confidence to walk. If it did, this bad mommy has a huge part to play. Lesson to all mommies out there: Really REALLY do not take your eyes off your kid, and don't take their abilities for granted.

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