Saturday, August 25, 2012

Sorty P

P is undergoing a sorty phase - She feels a need to sort objects. Some examples:
1. She has a shape sorter toy, of which she will take out all the wooden shapes one-by-one and then put them back in the box one-by-one. This will go on until she's satisfied with the results
2. We have a coca cola carton box place on the kitchen floor, and is used to hold can/packet drinks that we have yet to put in the fridge. She would take out the can drinks one-by-one, then put them back one-by-one. However, the only difference from example 1 is that the end result is usually can drinks lying helplessly all over the kitchen floor.
3. Yesterday, she decided our shoe rack needs some tidying up. While I was in the kitchen washing up her bottles and hubby was concentrating on eating his noodles, P took each shoe out of their slot and placed them above the shoe rack. By the time hubby realised, there's a mountain of shoes above the shoe rack. I can only thank god we don't own a lot of shoes, so the cleanup wasn't that bad.
4. This afternoon, I was sitting on the sofa with her standing in front of me. Then she picked up an imaginary (it better be imaginary) object and placed it on my lap, and repeated that action for another 3 more times. I laughed out loud, and really wonder what her imagination is up to.

Tomorrow is the eXplorer Kid race. Hope she has lots of fun!

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